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Microsoft Development Center Serbia


About us

We are growing towards the most innovative Microsoft engineering Campus in Europe composed of high performing teams and extraordinary individuals building cutting edge Microsoft software services and products. Our outcomes power digital transformation of the most strategic WW companies as well as improve lives of every single individual. Our engineers come from most of the WW nations demonstrating the full diversity and inclusion as one of the core Microsoft Values. While we take pride about the quality and values of our people, we are also very proud of the ecosystem we generate around us, making Belgrade as one of the key engineering hubs in this part of the world. By enabling the key desired business outcomes of our customers, we lead and secure the profound business impact to Microsoft Corp.


VRH poslodavac u IT industriji 2023 - 1. mesto

VRH poslodavac u IT industriji 2023 - 1. mesto

Ukoliko poslodavac ima oznaku VRH 1, 2 ili 3, to znači da zauzima naznačeno mesto od top 3 mesta na konačnoj listi najpoželjnijih IT poslodavaca po izboru kandidata.