Oglasi za posao Senior Project Manager

Senior Project Manager

Development and Testing Center




Development and Testing Center (DTC) is a medium-sized local IT company headquartered in Belgrade. Our specialized teams in application development, testing and consulting activities, work closely with companies in the Banking, Telco, and other sectors, both locally and in regionally. To support growing business and strengthening our project team, we are looking for:

Senior Project Manager (Full-Time)


  • Develop and maintain project plans while monitoring project execution.
  • Manage all aspects of projects, including team management, scope, schedule, communication, stakeholder engagement, risk management, resource planning, and more.
  • Collaborate effectively with project teams and client stakeholders.
  • Coordinate activities across different teams and individuals to achieve project goals and meet schedules.
  • Proactively manage customer communications and expectations.
  • Establish an understanding of the client’s business, processes, and procedures.


  • Previous experience working on banking projects is preferred.
  • University degree.
  • Education in organizational or computer science fields is a plus.
  • Project management certificates (e.g., PMP, PRINCE2) or relevant practical experience is a plus.
  • Proficiency in MS Office and/or various project management tools.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills in English.
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills.

Our Offer

  • Regular full-time employment.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional development with close supervision and support of senior colleagues.
  • A dynamic and stimulating working environment.
  • Access to modern technologies.
  • Private health insurance.
  • Possibility of remote work.
  • Referral Bonus.

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Plate

DTC je kompanija sa višegodišnjim iskustvom u oblastima razvoja, održavanja i testiranja raznovrsnih aplikativnih rešenja. U svom sastavu imamo preko 70 iskusnih zaposlenih koji sa zadovoljstvom i predanim radom doprinose našem dobrom ugledu.

Imamo veliko iskustvo u razvoju desktop, web i mobilnih aplikacija, kao i visoku stručnost za veliki broj platformi i možemo da odgovorimo na svaki poslovni izazov.

U skladu sa potrebama klijenata, nudimo različite vrste testiranja za različite vrste aplikacija (web, desktop i mobilne). Takođe pružamo usluge koje uključuju naše učešće u svakoj fazi životnog ciklusa razvoja i testiranja - od testiranja dokumentacije, kroz funkcionalno, integraciono i testiranje performansi pa sve do finalne faze sistemskog testiranja i pripremanja aplikacije za UAT.

Šta nudimo:

● Usluge razvoja softvera po narudžbini – desktop, web i mobilni

● Poboljšavanje i održavanje postojećih softverskih rešenja

● Web dizajn

● Dizajn i implementacija baza podataka

● Testiranje poslovnih zahteva

● Manuelno i automatsko funkcionalno testiranje gotovih softverskih rešenja i softverskih rešenja u fazi razvoja

● Integraciono, sistemsko i testiranje performansi

● Konsultantske usluge i obuka

Iskustvo o radu u ovoj kompaniji je arhivirano jer je starije od 2 godine.

QA Specialist

2 plate
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Architect

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

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