Oglasi za posao Laravel Developer

5 izvršilaca

Laravel Developer

MassData Commerce

Novi Sad, Beograd, Subotica


MySQL JavaScript CSS HTML Laravel intermediate

If you’re interested in e-commerce and enjoy working on computers, love cars and would like to learn more about tires and wheels, we’d like to meet you!

Why us?

We offer a vibrant workplace with a great team, as well as a dynamic environment that is built on teamwork, communication, flexibility and respect. We communicate and listen to our employees, respect and help.

We are colleagues on work and friends outside of work with lots of laughter, coffee and cakes. We strive to Motivate with competitive salary and with a range of benefits that include those that are by the law (20 days of paid vacation leave with vacation bonus, Travel cost,..) and additional benefits (personal KPI bonuses, semi annual team KPI bonuses, Christmas gifts for children of the employees,...). Company will provide additional training opportunities for professional development (MS office packages, foreign language courses, programming courses,...). And at the very end a Team building event in order to develop team spirit and a sense of belonging to the company.

We are looking for:

Laravel Developer

Essential Knowledge/Experience

  • Laravel with at least 2 years of experience
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQery
  • MySQL
  • Working with APIs

Optional, but big plus:

  • Worked with Linux Servers
  • Worked with JavaScript front-end framework
  • Worked with PHP back-end framework
  • Familiar with Git

Job Description:

The Laravel Developer is responsible for back-end, front-end, server-side, and database application development in the design, implementation and maintenance of the company’s applications. You will be a key part of a team responsible for developing software that acquires, processes, and manages data to improve the company business growth.

  • Monitoring and improving daily operations
  • Work with architects and product managers to design, estimate, and implement application features in back-end, front-end, server-side, and database tiers according to the company’s standards for architecture and secure application development
  • Implement services for data acquisition and integration into the company’s data tier
  • Follow procedures related to software configuration
  • Designing and developing security and data protection measures.
  • Troubleshooting, debugging, and upgrading software.
  • Ensuring responsiveness of applications.
  • Supporting the company’s future web development initiatives.

Join our team!

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Poslovi Plate

MassData Commerce is a new and fast-growing company that started 5 years ago with 7 employees. In the past years we have evolved into an LTD company currently employing 80+ people. 

Our focus is on Data entry. We manage various projects, including content writing, photo management, pricing management, in-house advertising management, SEO content management, and software development. Furthermore, we have our own dedicated Customer Service team.

2.7 33%

Menadžment kompanije




Balans karijere i privatnog života


Timska atmosfera


Zadovoljstvo projektima


Mogućnost napredovanja


Iskustvo o radu

2 Ne preporučuje


Prethodno zaposlen/a na neodređeno 2-4 godine


Dobra plata i bonusi, lep i zanimljiv posao dizajnera


Nepoštovanje kolega Vulgarnost supervizora Poslovni bonton 0, velika nula Potrebno je stručno lice ili psiholog da se ozbiljno pozabavi ličnostima svih zaposlenih i ustanovi im stručne dijagnoze

Korisno? 5

Odgovor kompanije

MassData Commerce D.o.o. nije ni imao otvoren konkurs niti poziciju za Dizajnera. Pružena je šansa osobi koja je delovala da ima afinitete ka Dizajnu, da se obuči, edukuje i oproba na toj poziciji ali na žalost rezultati nisu bili zadovoljavajući, saradnja sa kolegama i koleginicama je konstantno bila pod nekom tenzijom gde su uvek svi drugi bili krivi i loši pa je odlučeno da se osoba skloni sa projekta. Zahvaljujemo se na saradnji i želimo dalji uspeh u profesionalnom usavršavanju!
Korisno? 2

IT Help Desk / Support

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Customer service representative

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

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