O kompaniji

About us

Enhance mobile from the ground up!

With over two decades of experience, tyntec isn’t just a pioneer in the mobile messaging industry; we continue to redefine it. Leveraging our patented technology stack, we’ve set unparalleled standards in security and reliability. We drive global growth for leading brands by optimizing their mobile journeys and opening up new revenue streams for operators by enhancing network performance and security.

We specialize in crafting configurable APIs and offering off-the-shelf solutions that enhance the mobile journey for enterprises. Our solutions span verification, engagement, and consumer authentication, while also delivering comprehensive A2P monetization management solutions for operators.

Our philosophy is built on simplifying complexity to drive success. With our patented technology stack, we ensure unmatched reliability in all our solutions. We adopt a partnership approach, working closely with our customers to enhance their revenue streams and contribute to their success.

We’re fuelled by the belief in the transformative power of mobile technology for both enterprises and operators. Our commitment revolves around simplifying access to these opportunities, democratising access to mobile. This commitment extends to safeguarding customer data as if it were our own. Our pride stems from our capacity to innovate in an industry we founded.

tyntec streamlines the mobile journey for businesses by providing seamless solutions for verification, authentication, and engagement, as well as monetization for operators. With over two decades of experience as a global Tier 1 operator and a proprietary technology stack, we continuously set industry standards for innovation and reliability.

Tech stack

Java C++ SQL NoSQL Jenkins Gitlab CI GitHub Nexus Kubernetes Kafka cassandra grafana prometheus ELK Stack GNU Linux JavaScript HTML CSS artifactory openstack ats Docker


An international working environment with English as the company language:

Join our dynamic team in an international setting where English is the language of collaboration. Experience the excitement of working with a diverse group of professionals, fostering innovation and global perspectives. Elevate your career in an environment that values communication, embraces diversity, and promotes personal and professional growth. Be part of a company that thrives on the strength of its inclusive and English-centric culture

Fast-paced, friendly workplace, where each and every contribution counts:

Be part of our energetic and welcoming workplace, where every contribution matters in our fast-paced environment. Join a team that values your input and fosters a friendly & collaborative atmosphere. Experience a workplace where your efforts make a real impact and contribute to our collective success

Flat hierarchies, open communication channels and flexible working hours:

Enjoy a workplace with flat hierarchies, open communication channels, and flexible hours. Join a team where everyone's voice is valued, promoting a collaborative and inclusive environment. Experience the freedom to shape your workday in a way that suits your lifestyle and enhances work-life balance

Internal and external personal and professional opportunities for further development:

Unlock endless personal and professional growth opportunities both internally and externally. Join us to explore avenues for continuous development, empowering you to reach new heights in your career. Take advantage of a supportive environment that invests in your success and progression.

Our people

Thorsten Trapp

Co-Founder & CTO

Nicola Wolfram

Co-Founder & CEO


Broj zaposlenih

Profit i prihod


Brienner Str. 45 a-d, 80333, Munich, Germany
Semerteichstrasse 54-56, 44141, Dortmund, Germany
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 64A, 11070, Novi Beograd, Serbia
Leoforos Kifisias 62, 15125, Athens, Greece
One Angel Court 13th floor, EC2R 7HJ, London, United Kingdom