BI developer
Very professionally built processes, great people, hearing managers.
Upraisal could be more often than once in a year. No bonuses for staff except management
HR Recruiter
Vrlo otvoreno i pozitivno okruženje. Od prvog dana su tu da pomognu, nema problema u organizaciji. Vrlo sam zadovoljna tu gde jesam.
Junior Software Developer
Great experience, very interesting projects. Your work is appreciated here. A large number of industries.
I have not encountered any negative experience during the period of work. All problems were resolved very quickly.
BI engineer
Supportive company, great team, interesting tasks, many way for development
Equipment could be a little bit better
Program Manager
Luxoft is a company that engineers built. And you can feel it on all levels, starting with internal and project work-related processes and finishing with a bunch of internal systems that are the best I've seen. Great place to work with a team of professionals.
Nothing to add here.
Junior Software Developer
Great experience, very interesting projects. Your work is appreciated here. A large number of industries.
I have not encountered any negative experience during the period of work. All problems were resolved very quickly.
Project manager
- Huge variety of projects, a lot of opportunities to grow. - Highly qualified employees, strong level of expertise within domains. - Courses, trainings, corporate culture, communities. - Good level of communication and cascading information from top to bottom and vice versa, so your voice matters. - Internal mobility programm, you can swtich between projects or even locations. - Company doesn't stand in one place, it also develops itself.
Not really, just pay a little attention to a specific project culture and environment, from time to time, it depends on the local management, some projects are more people-oriented, some projects are more process oriented.
QA Test Lead
There are few companies that are ready to transfer their employees from another country and provide everything necessary for the first time. Luxoft is one such company. I really like the opportunity to develop absolutely in any direction. The company encourages and provides all kinds of assistance. The working conditions are so comfortable that I don't want to consider moving to other companies.
If something is negative, I will definitely let you know, stay tuned.
(Jelena N.)
Resource Manager
Internacionalna kompanija koja otvara nove vidike i pruza mnogo mogucnosti za licno i profesionalno usavrsavanje. Dinamicno okruzenje i sjajan tim ljudi.
Senior QA Engineer
Good benefits, remote work, ability to relocate, develop your career. A load of automotive projects, good opportunities if you have C++ profile.
It takes a bunch of time to have a TRP in this company, I think this will be fixed in future.