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About us

CAKE.com was founded in 2009 with the goal of helping other startups develop their products.

It takes many products to help people around the globe grow and prosper. We’ve created three that cover a wide range of features:

Clockify — The #1 free time tracker for teams that helps millions of people regain control of their time and increase their productivity levels.

Pumble — A free business communication app that helps teams cut down on emails and speed up their collaboration and communication.

Plaky — A free task management software that lets teams of all sizes collaborate, organize projects, and manage their tasks.

At CAKE.com, bringing exceptional ideas to life starts from our equally shared passion for growth. These ideas would be nothing but wishful thinking if it wasn’t for our principles that bring us all united:

· Innovation - Every single person is innovative, in one way or another. We are always encouraging everyone to find their innovative streak.

· Proactivity - We believe that if you believe in something, you should go and share it with the world. We will help you do that.

· Diversity - We value diversity and freedom of expression in work and private life. We publicly support LGBTQ+ rights, as well as the rights of ethnic and racial minorities. We believe in women leaders. We believe in empowering others.

· Love - We believe in love, compassion, kindness, patience, solidarity, and making this world a better place.

· Optimism - We value a positive general attitude and optimism. We value smiles and aim to radiate happiness.

Our mission is to help people be more creative, innovative, efficient, effective, and productive, by supporting them in their everyday lives.


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Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Priznanje predstavlja dokaz da poslodavac odgovara kandidatima na njihove prijave nakon što je konkurs za posao završen, nezavisno od pozitivnog ili negativnog ishoda.


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2100 Geng Road, Suite 210, Palo Alto, USA
021 3001350